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A brief introduction to "Getting Started"

Start Here

“Getting Started” is a combination of research, personal experiences, and the insights of fellow enthusiasts. The goal here is to make becoming part of Enduro Elite accessible to as many people as possible. If you have something that you would like to contribute, or questions/criticism regarding current content, feel free to email me at

The best place to begin your involvement in the series is a thorough reading of the rule book. If there is anything that you are unsure of, the fine folks at Enduro Elite are happy to answer questions.

If you are building a car from scratch, I have put together a list of links to items you will need to complete your build.

It's in your best interest to buy as many of your new materials as you can from series sponsors. When you are at the track and have questions or need support, you'll be glad you did. If you are doing this on a modest budget, there are some things that can be sourced used. Always check the expiry dates and legitimacy of those items before you buy. You won't save any money if it's not right the first time.

I’ve also linked some of my checklists in the Race Documents tab. They may not be 100% relevant to your car or team, but feel free to download them as a point of reference.

No money? No car? No racing buddies in your area? Enduro Elite will be happy to put you to work on the front lines as a volunteer, giving you the opportunity to see how the weekend runs and ask plenty of questions. They can likely put you into contact with a team that will let you wrench on their car as well. If you have a racing suit and helmet, chances are there is a fire extinguisher that needs to be held in someone’s pit stall.

There are many paths to participation, we look forward to seeing you at the track.
Good Luck and Have Fun!

Thank you to those that have taken the time to put this together.

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